Karain Cavern Antalya
Karain Cavern Antalya
Location: Antalya
The cave is found inside the borders of YaGca Village which is at 5 - 6 km. distance to the old Antalya - Burdur highway, 30 km northwest of Antalya.
Properties: The Karain cave which is one of the greatest natural caves of Turkey, is 150 m high from the travertine valley in front, ve430-450 m. high from the sea.
The cave stands in the period of the beginning of the history of the mankind, as the cavern was continuously accommodated by early humans during the prehistoric and classic periods starting from lower Paleolithic, medium and high Paleolithic, Neolithic, Calcolithic and Ancient Bronze stages. As a natural result of this, the cavern contains a thick cultural layer which can be 11 meters. But the longest and most important accommodation period of the cave is relevant with the Paleolithic period.
The usage at the classical period is more likely as an Offering Cave(Temple) and there are Greek inscriptions and niches at the cave exterior walls and ceiling. The archeological findings discovered from the archeological excavations done inside Karain Cave are displayed at the Antalya Museum and at the Karain Museum which is just near the cave.
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Tags: accommodation, Antalya, archeological excavations, archeological findings, borders, cave temple, classic periods, classical period, early humans, excavations, exterior walls, greek inscriptions, mankind, museum, natural caves, natural result, northwest, paleolithic period, Turkey, YaGca VillageYou can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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